312 Type TS /waterproofing/ series male terminal 3.0sq /M312WP-TS-3.0 [M312WP-TS-3.0]

312 Type TS /waterproofing/ series male terminal 3.0sq /M312WP-TS-3.0 [M312WP-TS-3.0]

Price: US$2.45

Weight: 5g

312-inch TS waterproof series male terminal 3.0sq /M312WP-TS-3.0 Applicable wire size 3.0 square mm Wire finish outside diameter 2.6 to 4.1 mm of Terminal Wire finish outside diameter 3.6 to 4.1 mm of the wire seal * Large crimping is recommended that you use in an environment that can be.
312 Type TS /waterproofing/ series male terminal 3.0sq /M312WP-TS-3.0 [M312WP-TS-3.0]

Price: US$2.45

Weight: 5g
